Get well card sayings for kids

1. "Sending you lots of love and hugs to help you feel better soon!"

2. "Wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping to see your smiling face again soon."

3. "Even superheroes need a little rest sometimes. Get well soon!"

4. "Thinking of you and hoping you feel better with each passing day."

5. "Sending you healing thoughts and positive vibes to help you get well soon."

6. "Get well soon, little one! We miss your laughter and energy."

7. "Hoping you feel better soon so we can play together again."

8. "Sending you all the sunshine and rainbows to brighten your day and help you heal."

9. "Get well soon, buddy! Can't wait to see you back on your feet."

10. "Sending you a big hug and a little bit of magic to help you feel better soon."

Above is Get well card sayings for kids.

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