Ginger sayings funny

1. "You can't make everyone happy, you're not gingerbread."

2. "I'm not short-tempered, I just have a quick ginger snap."

3. "Gingers have more fun, we're just a little spicy."

4. "I'm not a redhead, I'm a magical unicorn with a fire mane."

5. "Ginger: the hair color that comes with its own warning label."

6. "I'm not a daywalker, I'm a ginger ninja."

7. "Redheads: because even the devil needs a soulmate."

8. "I'm not a redhead, I'm a rare and valuable collector's item."

9. "Gingers: we're like a fine wine, we get better with age and a little sun."

10. "I'm not fiery, I'm just a redhead with a lot of enthusiasm."

Above is Ginger sayings funny.

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