Girl sayings

1. "You glow, girl!"

2. "Girls just wanna have fun."

3. "Who run the world? Girls!"

4. "Sugar, spice, and everything nice."

5. "Girls rule, boys drool."

6. "Empowered women empower women."

7. "Strong women lift each other up."

8. "Well-behaved women seldom make history."

9. "Slay like a girl."

10. "Girls with dreams become women with vision."

Above is Girl sayings.

Wildflower sayings

1. Bloom where you are planted.2. Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.3. Wild and free, just like a wildflower.4. In a field of roses, be a wildflower.5. Let your wild side bloom.6. Wildflowers don't care where they grow.7.

Romantic sayings in portuguese

1. O amor é a asa veloz que Deus deu à alma para que ela voe até o céu. - Miguel de Cervantes2. O amor é a força mais sutil do mundo. - Mahatma Gandhi3. O amor é a única força capaz de transformar um inimigo em amigo. - Martin Luther King Jr.4. O amor é a beleza da alma. - Santo Agostinho5.

Funny auction sayings

1. Bid high and bid often, it's cheaper than therapy!2. Don't be a chicken, raise your paddle!3. You snooze, you lose...and no one wants to lose at an auction!4. Auction: where the only thing louder than the bids is the auctioneer!5. If you can't live without it, bid like you mean it!6. I

Appalachian mountains sayings

1. If you don't like the weather in the Appalachians, just wait a few minutes.2. You can take the person out of the mountains, but you can't take the mountains out of the person.3. In the mountains, the only way out is up.4. Mountains make men out of mice.5. Life is better with a little mou

Famous rodeo sayings

1. Cowboy up!2. Hold on tight and ride it out.3. Grit, guts, and glory.4. Ride it like you stole it.5. Buckle up and hang on.6. Spurs and courage.7. Ride hard or go home.8. Dust off and get back in the saddle.9. Cowboy wisdom: Never give up, never give in.10. In the arena, it's ju

Cute veggies sayings

1. Lettuce turnip the beet!2. Peas, love, and carrots.3. Don't be a couch potato, be a sweet potato!4. I'm kind of a big dill.5. Life is gourd when you're around.6. You're one in a melon.7. Don't kale my vibe.8. I'm just a little corny.9. I'm a-peeling to you.10. You're the apple

Chief vitalstatistix sayings

1. These Romans are crazy!2. By Toutatis!3. The sky is falling on our heads!4. I will not let the sky fall on our heads!5. We must resist the Romans at all costs!6. I will not rest until victory is ours!7. The magic potion will save us!8. The Gauls never surrender!9. We will fight f

Thai boxing sayings

1. The art of eight limbs.2. Train hard, fight easy.3. Sweat more in training, bleed less in battle.4. Fight with heart, not anger.5. One strike, one kill.6. Respect all, fear none.7. The only easy day was yesterday.8. In the ring, there is no place to hide.9. Fight like a warrior,

Procrastination sayings

1. Procrastination is the thief of time. - Edward Young2. Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill. - Christopher Parker3. The best way to get something done is to begin. - Unknown4. You may delay, but time will not. - Benjamin Franklin5. Procrastinati

Sayings wine before beer

Beer before wine, you'll be fine. Wine before beer, you'll feel queer.