Give hugs not drugs sayings

1. "Hugs, not drugs - because love is the best high."

2. "Choose hugs over drugs and feel the true warmth of connection."

3. "Hugs are the best medicine, not drugs."

4. "Spread love, not drugs - one hug at a time."

5. "Hugs can heal, drugs can harm - choose wisely."

6. "Drug-free hugs are the best kind of embrace."

7. "Hugs are a natural high, drugs are a temporary escape."

8. "Wrap yourself in hugs, not in drugs."

9. "The only thing you should be addicted to is hugs, not drugs."

10. "Hugs are the ultimate anti-drug - they make you feel good without any side effects."

Above is Give hugs not drugs sayings.

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Butterfly sayings free

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