Goblin slayer sayings

1. "I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to kill goblins."

2. "Goblins are the scum of the earth, and I will exterminate every last one of them."

3. "Goblins may be weak individually, but in numbers they can be a formidable foe."

4. "I will not rest until every goblin nest is destroyed and every goblin is eradicated."

5. "Goblin slaying is a dirty job, but someone has to do it."

6. "Goblins are a plague on this world, and I am the cure."

7. "No mercy for goblins. They show none, so I will show them none in return."

8. "Goblin slaying is not for the faint of heart. It requires strength, skill, and a relentless determination."

9. "Goblins may be small, but they are cunning and vicious. Never underestimate them."

10. "I am the Goblin Slayer, and I will not rest until every goblin is dead."

Above is Goblin slayer sayings.

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