Going down like sayings

1. Going down like a sinking ship

2. Going down like a lead balloon

3. Going down like a house of cards

4. Going down like a rock

5. Going down like a ton of bricks

6. Going down like a shot

7. Going down like a storm

8. Going down like a falling star

9. Going down like a defeated warrior

10. Going down like a sinking sun

Above is Going down like sayings.

Sayings about smil

1. A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.2. Smile, it's free therapy.3. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.4. Smile, it's the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart.5. A smile is the universal language of kindness.6. Smile and the world smiles with you.7. A smil

Feel good sayings images

I'm unable to display images, but here are some feel-good sayings that you might enjoy:1. Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. - Dalai Lama2. The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. - Mark Twain3. You are never too old to set anot

Sayings with cake

1. Life is short, eat the cake.2. A party without cake is just a meeting.3. Cake is the answer, no matter the question.4. Cake: because no great story ever started with a salad.5. Let them eat cake.6. Cake is happiness with icing on top.7. Cake: the sweetest form of therapy.8. Cake is

Sayings before sailors set out

Fair winds and following seas.

Primitive pillows with sayings

Here are some examples of primitive pillows with sayings that you could consider:1. Live, Laugh, Love2. Home Sweet Home3. Bless This Mess4. Farmhouse Fresh5. Gather Together6. Simplify7. Family is Everything8. Home is Where the Heart is9. Love Grows Here10. Welcome to Our Nest

Bukusu proverbs and sayings

1. Embi eisirikha embi. - A bad thing is like a bad thing.2. Ekhuphula khwokhwo. - The one who runs fast, runs alone.3. Ekhulukha khulukha. - Slowly but surely.4. Eshikha liyala. - The past is gone.5. Eshikha lili. - The past is the past.6. Eshikha lirikha. - The past is like a dream.7.

Sayings about business growth

1. A business that is not growing is dying.2. The key to success in business is continuous growth and improvement.3. Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.4. In business, if you're not growing, you're standing still.5. The only way to grow your business

Arborist sayings

1. A tree's beauty lies in its strength and resilience.2. To care for a tree is to care for the future.3. The roots of a tree run deep, anchoring it to the earth and providing stability.4. Prune with purpose, shaping the tree for health and growth.5. A tree's worth is not measured by its si

Cute sayings from sailor moon

1. In the name of the moon, I will punish you!2. Moon Prism Power, Make Up!3. I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice!4. Moon Tiara Magic!5. Sailor Moon says... Love and Justice will always win!6. I will never run away, I will fight for love and justice!7. Believe in yourself and nothing

Buju banton sayings

Here are some popular sayings and quotes by Buju Banton:1. Only Rasta can liberate the people.2. In this great future, you can't forget your past.3. Love black woman, respect black woman.4. Too much informer, too much enemy.5. Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be