Good drug free sayings

1. "Stay high on life, not drugs."

2. "Drugs are a temporary escape, but a permanent trap."

3. "Life is the best drug, don't ruin it with substances."

4. "Choose natural highs over artificial lows."

5. "Sobriety is a gift, don't waste it."

6. "The only high you need is the one from living a fulfilling life."

7. "Drugs numb the pain temporarily, but living clean heals it permanently."

8. "Don't let drugs steal your dreams, stay drug-free."

9. "True freedom comes from being drug-free."

10. "You are stronger than any drug, choose to be drug-free."

Above is Good drug free sayings.

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I'm not sure I understand what you mean by couldn't kick sayings. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question?

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