Good luck sayings in spanish

1. ¡Buena suerte!

2. Que tengas suerte.

3. ¡Mucha suerte!

4. ¡Éxito en todo!

5. Que te vaya bien.

6. ¡Que tengas un día lleno de bendiciones!

7. ¡Que todo te salga bien!

8. ¡Que la suerte esté de tu lado!

9. ¡Que tengas un día maravilloso!

10. ¡Que todo te salga como esperas!

Above is Good luck sayings in spanish.

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Sayings what goes around comes around

What goes around comes around.

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Slow clock sayings

1. Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its students.2. A watched clock never moves.3. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.4. The clock always ticks at its own pace, no matter how much we wish it would slow down.5. Time is a thief that never gets caught.6