Good morning weekend wise sayings

Good morning! Here are some wise sayings for the weekend:

1. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

2. "Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them." - John Shirley

3. "Spend a day doing nothing: Let your mind wander; let nature entertain you; let stress go." - A.D. Posey

4. "Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless." - Bill Watterson

5. "Saturdays are for adventures, Sundays are for cuddling." - Unknown

6. "It's not that we spend five days looking forward to just two. It's that most people do what they enjoy most on those two days. Imagine living a life where every day is your Saturdays and Sundays. Make every day your weekend. Make every day a play-day." - James A. Murphy

I hope these sayings inspire you to make the most of your weekend!

Above is Good morning weekend wise sayings.

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