Good sayings about lies

1. "The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever."

2. "Lies may take you far in life, but they will never bring you peace."

3. "A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future."

4. "Lies have short legs, but they can travel far."

5. "The biggest liar in the world is the one who says he never lies."

6. "Lies are like quicksand, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink."

7. "The truth will always find its way to the surface, no matter how deep it is buried in lies."

8. "Lies are like a boomerang, they always come back to haunt you."

9. "Honesty is the best policy because the truth will always set you free."

10. "Lies may deceive others, but they can never deceive your conscience."

Above is Good sayings about lies.

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Cute pizza sayings coloring book

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