Good sayings from tumblr

1. "You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm."

2. "You are allowed to outgrow people who no longer contribute to your growth."

3. "You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop."

4. "You are not a mess. You are a feeling that needs to be felt."

5. "You are not required to stay the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even a day ago. You are allowed to grow and change."

6. "You are not a burden. You are a blessing waiting to be discovered."

7. "You are not defined by your mistakes. You are defined by how you rise after falling."

8. "You are not alone. You are surrounded by love, even if you can't see it."

9. "You are not weak for needing help. You are strong for admitting you can't do it alone."

10. "You are not just a star in the sky. You are the entire galaxy waiting to be explored."

Above is Good sayings from tumblr.

Cochise sayings

Here are some famous sayings attributed to Cochise, the prominent leader of the Chiricahua Apache tribe:1. It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand.2. When it is time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived.3. The white man does not understand t

4-h thank you sayings

1. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.2. I am grateful for your support and encouragement.3. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you.4. I appreciate everything you do for me, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Aussie outback sayings

1. Fair dinkum - meaning something is genuine or true.2. G'day mate - a common greeting meaning hello friend.3. No worries - expressing a laid-back attitude or reassurance.4. She'll be right - indicating that everything will be okay.5. Strewth - an expression of surprise or disbelief.6. Y

Little girl sayings

1. I'm a big girl now!2. I want to be a princess when I grow up.3. I love unicorns and rainbows!4. Can we have a tea party, please?5. I can do it by myself!6. I want to be just like mommy/daddy.7. I have a secret to tell you!8. Let's play dress-up!9. I'm not tired, I'm not sleepy!1

Anaime sayings

1. Believe in yourself and create your own destiny. 2. The true power of friendship can overcome any obstacle. 3. Even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope. 4. Strength comes from facing your fears and overcoming them. 5. Never give up, no matter how tough the road ahe

Bosses day sayings for cards

1. To a boss who leads with wisdom, inspires with passion, and empowers with grace. Happy Boss's Day!2. Thank you for being a leader who not only guides but also listens. Wishing you a fantastic Boss's Day!3. Your dedication and hard work make our team shine. Happy Boss's Day to an exceptional

Tearful quotes and sayings

1. Tears are words that need to be written. - Paulo Coelho2. The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears. - Native American Proverb3. Sometimes, you have to cry out all your tears to make room for a heart full of smiles. - Unknown4. Tears are the silent language of grief. - Volta

Happy new year sayings 2021

1. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey2. May the new year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall! - Aleister Crowley3. New year, new beginnings, new oppor

Cute french canadian sayings

1. C'est le fun! - It's fun!2. Ça va bien aller. - Everything will be okay.3. Je suis dans mes patates. - I'm feeling a bit off.4. Faire la grasse matinée. - To sleep in.5. Avoir la pêche. - To be full of energy.6. C'est le temps des sucres. - It's maple syrup season.7. Ça roule ma poul

Good woman quotes sayings

1. A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands up for everyone else. - Unknown2. A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. - Eleanor Roosevelt3. The best protection any woman can have is courage. - Elizabeth Cady Stanton4. A