Good sayings in assamese

1. "জীৱনত সময় নহয়, সময়ত জীৱন আছে।" (Life is not in time, time is in life.)

2. "সময় যাওঁক নহয়, সময়ত আমি যাওঁক।" (Time does not go, we go in time.)

3. "সময়ৰ মূল্য বুজিব নাই তেওঁলৈ সময় ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব নোৱা উচিত নহয়।" (If you do not understand the value of time, you should not waste time.)

4. "জীৱনত সময় অপৰিমিত, তেওঁলৈ সময় সমৰ্থন কৰিব লাগে।" (Time is limitless in life, you have to manage time.)

5. "সময় নাই বুজিব নাই, সময়ত বুজা হৈ থাকিব লাগে।" (If you do not understand time, you have to understand it in time.)

Above is Good sayings in assamese.

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