Graduating sayings

1. "The tassel was worth the hassle."

2. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

3. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Henry David Thoreau

4. "The best is yet to come."

5. "It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela

6. "The world is your oyster."

7. "Dream big and dare to fail." - Norman Vaughan

8. "The future is bright, and so are you."

9. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis

10. "Adventure awaits, go find it."

Above is Graduating sayings.

Paula deen funny sayings

Paula Deen, the famous Southern chef, is known for her charming and humorous sayings. Here are a few of her funny quotes:1. I'm not your doctor, I'm your cook!2. I'm not a chef, I'm a cook. I don't have time for all that fancy stuff.3. I don't want to be skinny. I love food, and I love to cook.

Colombian motivational sayings

1. ¡Si se puede! (Yes, it is possible!)2. A paso firme se llega lejos (With steady steps, one goes far)3. El que persevera, alcanza (He who perseveres, achieves)4. No hay mal que por bien no venga (Every cloud has a silver lining)5. El que no arriesga, no gana (He who doesn't take risks, d

Love each other quotes and sayings

1. Love is not about how much you say 'I love you,' but how much you prove that it's true. 2. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle3. The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn4. Love is friendship that has caught fire. - Ann Landers5.

Sayings technology

1. Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. - Christian Lous Lange2. The art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art. - John Lasseter3. The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday l

Got sayings quotes

Of course! Here are some popular sayings and quotes:1. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer3. The best way to predict

Funny sayings about life giving you lemons

1. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade... and then find someone whose life gave them vodka and have a party!2. Life gave me lemons, so I made a sour face and threw them back.3. When life gives you lemons, squirt them in the eyes of your enemies.4. Life gave me lemons, so I made a gin an

Desk plaques with sayings

1. Work hard, stay humble2. Dream big, work hard, stay focused3. Success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success4. Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire5. Believe you can and you're halfway there6. Inhale confidence, exhale doubt7. The only way t

52 year old male birthday sayings

1. Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you. Happy Birthday!2. Wishing you a year filled with love, laughter, and new adventures. Happy Birthday!3. You're not getting older, you're getting better. Happy Birthday!4. May this year bring you all the joy and happiness you

Chris martin sayings

Here are some famous sayings by Chris Martin, the lead singer of the band Coldplay:1. I think you have to keep a childlike quality to play music or make a record.2. We never want to be like a band that just plays the hits.3. I don't think you can ever do your best. Doing your best is a process

Typical scouse sayings

1. Sound, la - Meaning okay or alright, mate2. Boss tha - Meaning great or excellent3. Gizza bevvy - Asking for a drink, usually a beer4. Going the Asda - Going to the supermarket5. Our kid - Referring to a sibling or close friend6. Calm down, calm down - A phrase made famous by