Grandkid sayings for nan & gramp

1. "Nan, you're the best at giving hugs and cookies!"

2. "Gramp, you're like a superhero with all your stories and jokes!"

3. "Nan, you make the best pancakes in the whole world!"

4. "Gramp, you're the coolest because you always have time to play with me."

5. "Nan, you're like a fairy godmother with all your love and magic tricks!"

6. "Gramp, you're my favorite because you always make me laugh."

7. "Nan, you're the best at making everything better with your cuddles."

8. "Gramp, you're like a wizard with all your knowledge and wisdom."

9. "Nan, you're the sweetest because you always have candy in your purse."

10. "Gramp, you're my hero because you're always there to protect me."

Above is Grandkid sayings for nan & gramp.

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