Great lawyer sayings

1. "It is the duty of a good lawyer to know the law; it is the privilege of a great lawyer to know the judge." - Horace Rumpole

2. "The first duty of society is justice." - Alexander Hamilton

3. "The good lawyer is not the man who has an eye to every side and angle of contingency, and qualifies all his qualifications, but who throws himself on your part so heartily, that he can get you out of a scrape." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

4. "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." - William Shakespeare, Henry VI

5. "A lawyer's time and advice are his stock in trade." - Abraham Lincoln

6. "The law is reason, free from passion." - Aristotle

7. "The only real lawyers are trial lawyers, and trial lawyers try cases to juries." - Clarence Darrow

8. "A lawyer without books would be like a workman without tools." - Thomas Jefferson

9. "The good lawyer is not the man who has an eye to every side and angle of contingency, and qualifies all his qualifications, but who throws himself on your part so heartily, that he can get you out of a scrape." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

10. "The law is a profession of words." - David Mellinkoff

Above is Great lawyer sayings.

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