Green sayings slogans

1. "Go green or go home."

2. "Reduce, reuse, recycle."

3. "Think green, live green."

4. "Green is the new black."

5. "Plant a tree, save the Earth."

6. "Live simply so others can simply live."

7. "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

8. "Love your planet, it's the only one we've got."

9. "Nature doesn't need us, we need nature."

10. "Every day is Earth Day."

Above is Green sayings slogans.

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1. जिंदगी का सबसे बड़ा सच - प्यार है, और प्यार का सबसे बड़ा सच - जिंदगी है।2. प्यार की कोई माप नहीं होती, वो बस महसूस किया जाता है।3. जिंदगी में सफलता का राज - प्यार और समर्पण है।4. प्यार का असली मतलब है दिल से समझना, दिल से समझाना।5. जिंदगी में खुश रहने का तरीका - प्यार करना और खुश रहने की

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Thrifting sayings

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1. El que nace para tamal, del cielo le caen las hojas de maíz. (Someone born to make tamales will have corn husks fall from the sky for them.)2. Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando. (A bird in hand is worth more than a hundred flying.)3. A mal tiempo, buena cara. (In bad times, put on a

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1. Fuggetaboutit - Forget about it2. Madonn'! - Oh my God!3. Capisce? - Do you understand?4. Mamma mia! - My goodness!5. Bada bing, bada boom - Quickly and efficiently6. Cosa Nostra - Our thing (referring to the Mafia)7. Cugine - Cousin8. La famiglia - The family9. Omertà - Code of

I'm somewhat tactile sayings

That's an interesting way to describe yourself! It sounds like you appreciate physical sensations and the experience of touch. Would you like to explore more about tactile experiences or discuss anything else related to this aspect of yourself?