Gummy valentine sayings

1. "You're my sweetie bear!"

2. "You're the apple of my eye, gummy!"

3. "You're the gummy to my heart!"

4. "You make my heart bounce like a gummy!"

5. "You're my favorite gummy in the bag!"

6. "You're the cherry on top of my gummy!"

7. "You're the gummy to my soul!"

8. "You're my gummy love!"

9. "You're the gummy to my happiness!"

10. "You're my sweet gummy Valentine!"

Above is Gummy valentine sayings.

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Love sayings in welsh

1. Cariad yw'r ateb, ac nid yw'r cwestiwn. (Love is the answer, not the question.)2. Cariad a chyfeillgarwch, dwy wahanol beth. (Love and friendship are two different things.)3. Cariad yw'r geiriau mwyaf pwysig sy'n cael eu dweud heb eu dweud. (Love is the most important words that are said wi