Gurdwara seva sayings

1. "Serve selflessly, love boundlessly, and live joyfully."

2. "The true service of God is in serving His creation."

3. "Let your actions speak louder than your words in the service of others."

4. "In serving others, we find true fulfillment and purpose in life."

5. "The highest form of seva is to serve with humility and compassion."

6. "Serve with a pure heart and a selfless mind, for that is the path to spiritual growth."

7. "Seva is not just a duty, it is a privilege and a blessing."

8. "The true essence of seva lies in serving without any expectation of reward or recognition."

9. "Every act of kindness and service is a step closer to the divine."

10. "In the service of others, we find the true meaning of life."

Above is Gurdwara seva sayings.

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