Guru nanak ji sayings in tough times

Here are some sayings of Guru Nanak Ji that can provide guidance and solace during tough times:

1. "Nanak dukhiya sab sansar, so sukhiya jin naam adhaar." (Guru Nanak Dev Ji)

Translation: "The whole world is suffering, only those who have the support of the divine name are at peace."

2. "Dukh daru sukh rog bhaya, ja sukh taam na hoi." (Guru Nanak Dev Ji)

Translation: "Suffering is the medicine, pleasure is the disease, because where there is pleasure, there is no desire for God."

3. "Sagal duar kau chhad ke, gahyo tuharo duar." (Guru Nanak Dev Ji)

Translation: "Abandoning all other doors, I have taken refuge at Your door."

4. "Jab lag khalsa rahe niara, tab lag tej dio mai sara." (Guru Gobind Singh Ji)

Translation: "As long as Khalsa remains distinct, I will give them my entire radiance."

5. "Nanak naam chardi kala, tere bhaane sarbat da bhala." (Guru Nanak Dev Ji)

Translation: "Nanak seeks the blessing of the divine name and wishes well-being for all in accordance with Your will."

These sayings emphasize the importance of seeking solace in the divine, maintaining faith during tough times, and understanding the transient nature of suffering and pleasure.

Above is Guru nanak ji sayings in tough times.

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