Haitian sayings about life

1. "Men anpil chay pa lou" - Many hands make light work.

2. "Se pou granmoun di w sa ou pa ka di a" - It's for adults to say what you can't say.

3. "Piti piti zwazo fè nich li" - Little by little, the bird builds its nest.

4. "Lavi se yon dlo ki koule" - Life is like flowing water.

5. "Pa gen sa ki pi gran pase lavi" - There is nothing greater than life.

6. "Se pa ou menm ki di w sa ou ye, se moun ki wè w ki di w sa ou ye" - It's not you who tells yourself who you are, it's the people who see you who tell you who you are.

7. "Lavi se yon batay" - Life is a battle.

8. "Nou pa konn kijan demen ap vini" - We don't know how tomorrow will come.

9. "Lavi se yon vwayaj" - Life is a journey.

10. "Pa janm kite pou demen sa ou ka fè jodi a" - Never leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

Above is Haitian sayings about life.

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