Halloweentown sayings

1. "Magic is really very simple, all you've got to do is want something and then let yourself have it." - Aggie Cromwell

2. "Being normal is vastly overrated." - Marnie Cromwell

3. "Being scared is the least of your worries." - Kalabar

4. "Halloween is cool, but it's not just about costumes and candy. It's about magic and mystery." - Dylan Cromwell

5. "In Halloweentown, anything is possible if you believe in yourself." - Sophie Cromwell

6. "There's no place like Halloweentown." - Various characters

7. "Every day is Halloween in Halloweentown." - Various characters

8. "Embrace your weirdness, it's what makes you special." - Various characters

9. "In Halloweentown, the magic never ends." - Various characters

10. "Halloween is a time for us to be ourselves, to embrace our true selves and let our magic shine." - Various characters

Above is Halloweentown sayings.

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