Happy quotes and sayings tumblr

Here are some happy quotes and sayings from Tumblr:

1. "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." - Dalai Lama

2. "The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." - Audrey Hepburn

3. "Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy." - Ralph Marston

4. "Don't worry, be happy." - Bobby McFerrin

5. "Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is." - Mandy Hale

6. "The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go." - Dodinsky

7. "Happiness is not a destination, it's a way of life." - Unknown

8. "Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life." - Omar Khayyam

9. "The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything." - Unknown

10. "Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

I hope these quotes bring a smile to your face!

Above is Happy quotes and sayings tumblr.

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