Happy veterans day sayings

1. "Thank you to all the brave men and women who have served our country. Happy Veterans Day!"

2. "Land of the free because of the brave. Happy Veterans Day!"

3. "Honoring all who served. Happy Veterans Day!"

4. "Freedom isn't free. Thank you to all who have served. Happy Veterans Day!"

5. "With respect and gratitude, we honor our veterans. Happy Veterans Day!"

6. "Today we salute all those who have served. Happy Veterans Day!"

7. "Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Happy Veterans Day!"

8. "To all our veterans, we thank you for your service. Happy Veterans Day!"

9. "Courage, sacrifice, and dedication. Happy Veterans Day to all who have served."

10. "We are forever grateful for your service. Happy Veterans Day!"

Above is Happy veterans day sayings.

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Calamari sayings

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