Hard times in life quotes and sayings

1. "Hard times may have held you down, but they will not last forever. When all is said and done, you will be increased." - Joel Osteen

2. "The darkest nights produce the brightest stars." - Unknown

3. "Tough times never last, but tough people do." - Robert H. Schuller

4. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein

5. "The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow." - Unknown

6. "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford

7. "You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated." - Maya Angelou

8. "The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." - Chinese Proverb

9. "The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it." - Epicurus

10. "Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with." - Thomas Carlyle

Above is Hard times in life quotes and sayings.

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