Havamal sayings of odin

Here are a few sayings from the Havamal, a collection of Old Norse poems attributed to the god Odin:

1. "Cattle die, kinsmen die, we ourselves also die; but the fair fame never dies of him who has earned it."

2. "A man should be loyal through life to friends, and return gift for gift, laugh when they laugh, but with lies repay a lie."

3. "A coward believes he will ever live if he keeps away from fighting; but old age will give him no peace, though spears may spare him."

4. "The unwise man is awake all night, and ponders everything over; when morning comes he is weary in mind, and all is a burden as ever."

5. "A man knows not, if nothing he knows, that gold is a worse support than good fame; a man knows not, if nothing he knows, that his own house is better than all the world."

6. "A man should be moderate in drinking, in speaking, and in fighting; he should be watchful and wary, and most with his friends should be glad."

These sayings reflect Odin's wisdom and provide guidance on various aspects of life.

Above is Havamal sayings of odin.

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