Hawaiian sayings about life

1. "Aloha kekahi i kekahi." - Love one another.

2. "He ali'i ka 'aina; he kauwa ke kanaka." - The land is chief; man is its servant.

3. "E aloha kekahi i kekahi." - Love one another.

4. "He 'ohana ka moku; ka moku ka 'ohana." - The island is a family; the family is an island.

5. "I ka 'olelo no ke ola; i ka 'olelo no ka make." - In the word there is life; in the word there is death.

6. "Maika'i no ke kalo i ka 'opu." - The taro is good for the stomach.

7. "Pupukahi i holomua." - Unite to move forward.

8. "Ua ola loko i ke aloha." - Love gives life within.

9. "He 'ai no ke kumu." - Food is the source.

10. "A'ohe hana nui ke alu 'ia." - No task is too big when done together.

Above is Hawaiian sayings about life.

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