Hawaiian sayings in hawaiian

1. "Aloha nui loa" - Meaning "much love" or "much aloha"

2. "E komo mai" - Meaning "welcome" or "come in"

3. "Mahalo nui loa" - Meaning "thank you very much"

4. "Pau hana" - Meaning "finished work" or "done for the day"

5. "Ohana means family" - Meaning "family is everything"

6. "A hui hou" - Meaning "until we meet again"

7. "E ola mau ka 'ōlelo Hawai'i" - Meaning "may the Hawaiian language live on forever"

8. "Ho'oponopono" - Meaning "to make right" or "to correct"

9. "Malama pono" - Meaning "take care" or "be well"

10. "Aloha ke akua" - Meaning "God is love"

Above is Hawaiian sayings in hawaiian.

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