Head over heels quotes sayings

1. "I fell head over heels in love with you, and I haven't looked back since."

2. "When you're head over heels for someone, you'll do anything to make them happy."

3. "I'm head over heels for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

4. "Being head over heels in love is the best feeling in the world."

5. "I never expected to fall head over heels for you, but I'm so glad I did."

6. "When you're head over heels, every moment with that person feels like a dream."

7. "I can't help but feel head over heels whenever I'm with you."

8. "I fell head over heels for your smile, and now I can't imagine my life without it."

9. "Being head over heels in love is like being on cloud nine all the time."

10. "I knew I was head over heels for you when I couldn't stop thinking about you."

Above is Head over heels quotes sayings.

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