Heatwave sayings

1. "It's so hot, even the sun is sweating."

2. "This heat is no joke, it's like walking on the surface of the sun."

3. "I'm melting faster than an ice cream cone in July."

4. "This heatwave is making me feel like a toasted marshmallow."

5. "It's so hot, I saw a squirrel fanning itself with a palm leaf."

6. "I'm sweating like a snowman in the desert."

7. "The only thing hotter than this weather is my car seat."

8. "This heatwave is like being trapped in a sauna with no escape."

9. "I'm sweating bullets out here, it's like a sauna on steroids."

10. "The heat is so intense, I think I saw a lizard carrying a water bottle."

Above is Heatwave sayings.

Best brother sayings

1. A brother is a friend given by nature.2. Brothers are like built-in best friends.3. Brothers may not always be by your side, but they are always in your heart.4. Brothers are the best kind of superheroes.5. Brothers: the perfect combination of a partner in crime and a shoulder to lean on

Best sayings for shirts

1. Be the change you wish to see in the world.2. Stay wild, moon child.3. Kindness is always in style.4. Adventure awaits.5. Embrace the journey.6. Good vibes only.7. Choose joy.8. Dream big, work hard.9. Love is all you need.10. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Sayings to lift your spirits

1. This too shall pass.2. Every cloud has a silver lining.3. The sun will shine again after the storm.4. Believe in yourself and all that you are.5. You are stronger than you think.6. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.7. Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows

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1. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. - Victor Hugo2. You are stronger than you think, braver than you believe, and more loved than you can imagine. 3. The only way out is through. 4. Every storm runs out of rain, just like every dark night turns into day. 5. You are not

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Amazing sayings with out swear words

1. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer3. The best way to predict the future is to create it. - Peter Drucker4. Bel

Volleyball t shirts with funny sayings

1. I'm here to bump, set, spike, and make you like it!2. Spike it like it's hot!3. Volleyball is my cardio.4. Don't make me set you straight.5. I'd hit that.6. Volleyball is my therapy.7. I'm not short, I'm just closer to the ground for those digs.8. I play like a girl. Try to keep up

Artillery sayings in hindi

1. तोप की गोली बड़ी तेज़ होती है। (The cannonball is very fast.)2. तोप की आवाज़ से दुश्मन डर जाता है। (The sound of the cannon scares the enemy.)3. तोप की आग से दुश्मन की भाग जाती है। (The fire from the cannon makes the enemy run away.)4. तोप की धार से दुश्मन की सेना भग जाती है। (The cannon's blast

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