Heavier than sayings

"Heavier than sayings" could refer to something that carries more weight or significance than mere words or expressions. It could imply that actions or events have a greater impact or importance than verbal communication.

Above is Heavier than sayings.

Sayings for a mother who passed away

1. A mother's love is forever etched in our hearts.2. Though you are no longer with us, your love and guidance will always be remembered.3. A mother's love never truly leaves us, it lives on in our memories.4. You may be gone, but your love and wisdom continue to guide us.5. In our hearts,

2 bearded sayings

1. A beard doesn't make a man, but it sure helps.2. Behind every great beard is a great man.

Dirt racing vs sports sayings

Dirt racing is where the rubber meets the mud.In dirt racing, you have to be willing to get a little dirty to come out on top.Sports may be played on grass, but dirt racing is where the real action happens.In dirt racing, it's not about the size of the track, but the size of your heart.Spor

Catholic exclamation sayings like holy mother of god

1. Sweet Jesus!2. Good Lord!3. Lord have mercy!4. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!5. Holy Mary, Mother of God!6. Saint Peter, pray for us!7. By the grace of God!8. Blessed be God!9. Holy Cross!10. God help us!

How to make canvas art sayings

Creating canvas art with sayings can be a fun and creative way to express yourself. Here are some steps to help you make your own canvas art with sayings:1. Choose a saying: Start by selecting a meaningful or inspirational saying that you want to feature on your canvas. It could be a quote, a lyric

Breakfast quotes and sayings

1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. - Unknown2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. - Adelle Davis3. All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast. - John Gunther4. Breakfast is a big deal. I love it. - Joey Lawrence5. Breakfast is a wa

Cute friendship sayings to get engraved

1. Side by side or miles apart, friends are always close at heart.2. Good times + Crazy friends = Amazing memories.3. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.4. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings.5. Together we laugh, together we cry, always there for each other, you and

Navy boot camp motivational sayings funny

1. Don't worry, the Navy will turn you into a lean, mean, sea-faring machine!2. Remember, the only easy day was yesterday - embrace the challenge!3. You might feel like a fish out of water now, but soon you'll be swimming with the best of them!4. Boot camp is tough, but so are you - embrace t

Coronvirus sayings

1. In this together, apart.2. Stay home, stay safe.3. Flatten the curve, not the spirit.4. Wash your hands and say your prayers, because germs and Jesus are everywhere.5. Spread love, not germs.6. Quarantine and chill.7. When life gives you lemons, make lemon-scented hand sanitizer.8.

Don't judge people by their age sayings

1. Age is merely a number, it does not define a person's worth.2. Don't let someone's age limit your perception of their capabilities.3. Wisdom and experience can be found in individuals of all ages.4. The value of a person lies in their character, not their age.5. Age is just a reflection