Hebrew sayings about strength

1. "חזק ואמץ" (Chazak ve'ematz) - Be strong and courageous.

2. "כחי באלוהים" (Kochi be'elohim) - My strength is in God.

3. "איש חיל" (Ish chayil) - A man of valor.

4. "עם ישראל חי" (Am Yisrael Chai) - The people of Israel live (a phrase often used to express resilience and strength).

5. "כל הכבוד לאיש עם כוח" (Kol hakavod le'ish im koach) - All honor to a man with strength.

6. "כשיש רצון, יש גם כוח" (Kesh'yesh ratzon, yesh gam koach) - Where there is a will, there is also strength.

7. "כל עצם יכול" (Kol atzam yachol) - Every bone can (meaning everyone has the strength within them).

8. "אין דבר כחוזקה" (Ein davar k'chozekah) - There is nothing like strength.

Above is Hebrew sayings about strength.

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