Hera goddess sayings

Here are some sayings attributed to the goddess Hera from Greek mythology:

1. "I am the queen of the gods, and I demand respect and obedience."

2. "Jealousy is my weapon, and I will not hesitate to use it to protect what is mine."

3. "I am the protector of marriage and family, and I will not tolerate any threats to their sanctity."

4. "I am the embodiment of strength and power, and I will not be underestimated or overlooked."

5. "I am the goddess of women and childbirth, and I will guide and protect those who seek my help."

6. "I am the eternal queen of the heavens, and my authority is absolute."

7. "I am the guardian of the sacred bond between husband and wife, and I will ensure its preservation at all costs."

8. "I am the goddess of the hearth and home, and I will bless those who honor and respect their domestic duties."

9. "I am the divine embodiment of femininity and grace, and I will inspire and empower all women who look to me for guidance."

10. "I am Hera, the mighty and majestic queen of Olympus, and my presence is a force to be reckoned with."

Above is Hera goddess sayings.

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