Hertfordshire sayings

1. "Hertfordshire born and bred, strong in the arm and thick in the head."

2. "As rare as a sunny day in Hertfordshire."

3. "Hertfordshire folk are as stubborn as a mule."

4. "In Hertfordshire, we say 'all fur coat and no knickers' to describe someone who appears wealthy but lacks substance."

5. "Hertfordshire manners: as sharp as a tack and as sweet as honey."

6. "Hertfordshire weather: if you don't like it, just wait five minutes."

7. "Hertfordshire hospitality: come as a stranger, leave as a friend."

8. "Hertfordshire gossip travels faster than the speed of light."

9. "Hertfordshire pride runs deep in our veins."

10. "Hertfordshire charm: like a warm cup of tea on a cold day."

Above is Hertfordshire sayings.

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