High jump quotes and sayings

1. "The high jump is a mental game. It's you against the bar, and the bar doesn't have a brain."

2. "High jumpers: defying gravity one jump at a time."

3. "In the high jump, you have to believe you can fly."

4. "Jump high, dream big."

5. "The high jump is not just about physical ability, it's about mental toughness and determination."

6. "The bar is set high, but so are my goals."

7. "High jumpers: reaching new heights with every jump."

8. "Success in the high jump is all about conquering your fears and pushing your limits."

9. "Jumping over obstacles is what makes the high jump so exhilarating."

10. "In the high jump, the only limits are the ones you set for yourself."

Above is High jump quotes and sayings.

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