Hippy sayings quotes

1. "Peace, love, and understanding."

2. "Make love, not war."

3. "Spread good vibes."

4. "Live simply, love generously, care deeply."

5. "Let your soul shine."

6. "Love is the answer."

7. "Dance like nobody's watching."

8. "Follow your own path."

9. "Embrace the beauty of nature."

10. "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Above is Hippy sayings quotes.

Newfoundland sayings about hair

1. His hair is as wild as a moose in rutting season.2. She's got more curls than a bag of fishing hooks.3. His hair is as thick as the fog rolling in off the ocean.4. She's got hair as red as a lobster's shell.5. His hair is as unruly as a pack of sled dogs.6. She's got more tangles in he

Chemotherapy sayings

1. Cancer may have started the fight, but I will finish it with chemotherapy.2. Chemotherapy is tough, but so am I.3. I may lose my hair, but I won't lose my spirit during chemotherapy.4. Chemotherapy is my temporary battle, but my strength is permanent.5. Chemotherapy is just a chapter in

Church sayings for the new year

1. May the new year bring you blessings and joy, and may you walk in faith and love.2. As we enter the new year, let us trust in God's plan and seek His guidance in all we do.3. May the light of God's love shine upon you in the new year, guiding your path and filling your heart with peace.4.

Famous baseball sayings quotes

1. It ain't over 'til it's over. - Yogi Berra2. Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical. - Yogi Berra3. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first. - Fred Wilcox4. Baseball is like church. Many attend, few understand. - Leo Durocher5. Every strike brings me closer

Japanese wise sayings

1. Fall seven times, stand up eight. - 七転び八起き (Nanakorobi yaoki)2. Even monkeys fall from trees. - 猿も木から落ちる (Saru mo ki kara ochiru)3. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. - 出る釘は打たれる (Deru kugi wa utareru)4. One kind word can warm three winter months. - 一言の仁王 (Ichigon no nioi)5. Tim

Kingsman sayings

Here are some popular sayings from the Kingsman movie franchise:1. Manners maketh man.2. Oxfords, not brogues.3. This ain't that kind of movie, bruv.4. The suit is a modern gentleman's armor.5. A Kingsman is never afraid to get his hands dirty.6. A gentleman never tells.7. The mark of a

Most common sayings in english

Here are some common sayings in English:1. Break a leg - used to wish someone good luck2. Bite the bullet - to endure a painful or difficult situation3. Blessing in disguise - something that seems bad at first but turns out to be good4. Piece of cake - something that is very easy to do5. Ki

Cute pop tart sayings

1. Pop tart perfection!2. Sweet and sassy pop tart!3. Pop tart love at first bite!4. Pop tart happiness in every bite!5. Life is better with pop tarts!6. Pop tart magic in every toaster!7. Pop tart bliss in every bite!8. Pop tart dreams do come true!9. Pop tart joy in every flavor!

Cowgirl sayings about boots

1. Give a girl the right boots, and she can conquer the world.2. Boots are made for walkin', but cowgirls make 'em look good.3. A cowgirl's best friend is her boots.4. Boots on, hat on, let's rodeo on.5. Life is better in boots.6. Boots, spurs, and a little bit of sass - that's all a cowg

Sayings about being used by someone

1. Don't be a doormat for someone who only walks over you.2. Being used is a sign of weakness, not kindness.3. You deserve to be valued, not used.4. Don't let someone make you a convenience when you deserve to be a priority.5. Being used is a betrayal of trust, not a display of friendship.