Hipster christmas card sayings

1. "Wishing you a cool Yule and a groovy New Year!"

2. "May your holiday season be as unique as your vinyl collection."

3. "Sending you warm wishes and artisanal cheer this Christmas."

4. "May your holiday be filled with craft cocktails and sustainable joy."

5. "Here's to a Christmas that's as indie and authentic as you are."

6. "May your holiday season be filled with vintage vibes and modern merriment."

7. "Wishing you a Christmas that's as trendy as a mustache on a lumberjack."

8. "May your holiday be filled with locally-sourced love and handcrafted happiness."

9. "Sending you vibes of peace, love, and organic joy this Christmas."

10. "May your Christmas be as cozy and quirky as a thrift store sweater."

Above is Hipster christmas card sayings.

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