Hong kong sayings
Here are some common sayings and expressions from Hong Kong:
1. "一山還有一山高" (yat1 saan1 waan4 jau5 jat1 saan1 gou1) - There is always someone better than you.
2. "食得唔飽,飲得唔醉" (sik6 dak1 m4 baau2, jam2 dak1 m4 zeoi2) - Eating without getting full, drinking without getting drunk.
3. "冇問題" (mou5 man6 tai4) - No problem.
4. "一個巴掌拍唔響" (jat1 go3 baa1 zoeng2 paak3 m4 heung2) - One hand clapping doesn't make a sound, meaning it takes two to make a quarrel.
5. "有緣千里來相會" (jau5 jyun4 cin1 lei5 loi4 soeng1 wui6) - Fate brings people together from afar.
6. "冇咗個嘴,就唔使講嘢" (mou5 zo2 go3 zeoi2, zau6 m4 sai2 gong2 je5) - If you don't have a mouth, you don't need to speak.
7. "一日唔見,如隔三秋" (jat1 jat6 m4 gin3, jyu4 gaak3 saam1 cau1) - One day apart feels like three autumns.
8. "有錢使得,冇錢使唔得" (jau5 cin2 sai2 dak1, mou5 cin2 sai2 m4 dak1) - With money, you can do anything; without money, you can't do anything.
These sayings reflect the culture, values, and humor of the people in Hong Kong.
Above is Hong kong sayings.
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