Hooligan quotes sayings

1. "I'm not a hooligan, I'm just passionate."

2. "Hooligans may cause trouble, but they also bring the energy."

3. "Don't mistake my passion for hooliganism."

4. "Hooligans may be rowdy, but they're also fiercely loyal."

5. "In a world full of sheep, be a hooligan."

6. "Hooligans don't follow the rules, they make their own."

7. "It takes a hooligan to shake things up and make a change."

8. "Hooligans may be wild, but they have a heart of gold."

9. "Don't underestimate the power of a hooligan with a cause."

10. "Hooligans may be rough around the edges, but they have a strong sense of community."

Above is Hooligan quotes sayings.

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