Horse sign sayings

1. "Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people." - W.C. Fields

2. "Horses lend us the wings we lack." - Pam Brown

3. "A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves - strong, powerful, beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence." - Pam Brown

4. "The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears." - Arabian Proverb

5. "A horse is poetry in motion." - Unknown

6. "There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse." - Robert Smith Surtees

7. "In riding a horse, we borrow freedom." - Helen Thompson

8. "A horse is the best mirror of a man's soul." - Unknown

9. "The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire." - Sharon Ralls Lemon

10. "A horse gallops with his lungs, perseveres with his heart, and wins with his character." - Tesio

Above is Horse sign sayings.

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