House music quotes and sayings

1. "House music is a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing." - Frankie Knuckles

2. "House music is a healer when you don't feel good inside." - Axwell

3. "House music is a feeling of love and unity." - Marshall Jefferson

4. "In house music, we are all brothers and sisters." - David Morales

5. "House music is a way of life, a way of thinking." - Louie Vega

6. "House music is a journey, a celebration of life." - Kerri Chandler

7. "House music is about bringing people together and creating unforgettable moments." - Roger Sanchez

8. "House music is a universal language that transcends barriers and unites people." - Erick Morillo

9. "House music is not just a sound, it's a lifestyle." - Todd Terry

10. "House music is like a heartbeat, it keeps us alive and connected." - Danny Tenaglia

Above is House music quotes and sayings.

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