Housewarming party sayings

1. "Welcome to our new home! Let's celebrate with good friends and good times."

2. "New memories, new beginnings. Let's warm this house with laughter and love."

3. "Our new nest is ready for guests! Join us for a housewarming celebration."

4. "Come toast to our new chapter in this cozy abode. Let the housewarming party begin!"

5. "From house to home, let's make this place our own. Cheers to new beginnings!"

6. "Let's raise a glass to our new space and the memories we'll create here."

7. "A house is made of bricks and beams, but a home is made of love and dreams. Welcome to our home!"

8. "Our doors are open, our hearts are full. Join us for a housewarming party to remember."

9. "Home is where the heart is, and our hearts are here. Let's celebrate together!"

10. "New address, same friends. Let's break in this new place with a housewarming bash!"

Above is Housewarming party sayings.

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