Housewarming sayings funny

1. "Welcome to the neighborhood! May your housewarming party be as hot as your new oven."

2. "Congratulations on your new home! May your walls know joy, may every room hold laughter, and may every window open to great possibilities...and a nice view too!"

3. "May your new home be filled with love, laughter, and lots of wine. Cheers to housewarming!"

4. "Here's to hoping your new house is filled with more happiness than dust bunnies."

5. "May your new home be a place where the Wi-Fi connects automatically and the coffee is always strong."

6. "Congratulations on your new home! May your mortgage be short and your walls be strong."

7. "Welcome to the neighborhood! May your housewarming party be the talk of the town...or at least the cul-de-sac."

8. "May your new home be a place where the only drama is on TV and the only bugs are in the garden."

9. "Congratulations on your new digs! May your neighbors be friendly, your walls be soundproof, and your fridge always be stocked."

10. "Here's to a housewarming party that's so epic, the neighbors call the join in the fun!"

Above is Housewarming sayings funny.

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