Houston texas sayings

1. "Howdy, y'all!" - A common greeting in Texas, including Houston.

2. "Don't mess with Texas" - A popular slogan in Texas that emphasizes state pride and toughness.

3. "Bless your heart" - A phrase often used in the South, including Texas, to show sympathy or understanding.

4. "Fixin' to" - Instead of saying "about to" or "going to," Texans often say they are "fixin' to" do something.

5. "Y'all come back now, ya hear?" - A friendly way to say goodbye and invite someone to return.

6. "It's hotter than a jalapeño in July" - A humorous way to describe the intense heat in Texas during the summer.

7. "The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas" - A line from a popular Texas-themed song that celebrates the state's beauty and pride.

8. "All hat, no cattle" - A phrase used to describe someone who talks big but doesn't follow through with action.

9. "Texas-sized" - Used to describe something that is larger or grander than usual, reflecting the state's reputation for everything being bigger in Texas.

10. "Keep it weird, Houston" - A nod to the city's diverse and eclectic culture, similar to the slogan of Austin, Texas.

Above is Houston texas sayings.

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