Hugh hefner sayings

Here are some famous quotes attributed to Hugh Hefner:

1. "Life is too short to be living somebody else's dream."

2. "The major civilizing force in the world is not religion, it is sex."

3. "The notion of the single man began in the 1950s. The idea of the bachelor as a separate life was new and obscure."

4. "I've never thought of Playboy, quite frankly, as a sex magazine. I always thought of it as a lifestyle magazine in which sex was one important ingredient."

5. "In my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined a sweeter life."

6. "I think that I have lived long enough to see the distinction between the so-called 'good life' and the good life."

7. "Life is too short to be living somebody else's dream."

8. "One of the great ironies in our society is that we celebrate freedom and then limit the parts of life where we should be most free."

9. "I would like to be remembered as somebody who has changed the world in some positive way, in a social, sexual sense, and who has brought pleasure and joy to people."

10. "The interesting thing is how one guy, through living out his own fantasies, is living out the fantasies of so many other people."

Above is Hugh hefner sayings.

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