Hulk smash sayings

1. "Hulk smash puny humans!"

2. "Hulk strongest there is!"

3. "Hulk smash everything in path!"

4. "Hulk angry, Hulk smash!"

5. "Hulk crush puny foes!"

6. "Hulk smash, Hulk win!"

7. "Hulk smash, Hulk break!"

8. "Hulk unstoppable, Hulk smash!"

9. "Hulk smash, Hulk show true power!"

10. "Hulk smash, Hulk bring thunder!"

Above is Hulk smash sayings.

Elder scrolls oblivion sayings

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English wise sayings

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Baseball slogans and sayings

1. Swing for the fences2. Home run or bust3. Champions play as one4. Pitching wins championships5. Hustle and heart set us apart6. Baseball is life, the rest is just details7. In baseball, as in life, all the important things happen at home8. The only bad game is a game you didn't giv