Humerous sayings about brothersthe 80's

1. "My brother's fashion sense in the 80's was so bad, even neon couldn't save him."

2. "Growing up in the 80's with my brother was like living in a constant battle of who could rock the biggest shoulder pads."

3. "My brother's mullet in the 80's was so epic, it had its own zip code."

4. "In the 80's, my brother thought he was the coolest with his boombox and parachute pants. Little did he know, he was a walking fashion disaster."

5. "My brother and I in the 80's were like a bad sitcom duo - he was the cheesy sidekick and I was the eye-rolling straight man."

6. "If you ever need a good laugh, just look at old photos of my brother from the 80's. The hair alone is worth it."

7. "In the 80's, my brother's idea of a good time was cranking up the Duran Duran and dancing like nobody was watching. Unfortunately, we were all watching."

8. "My brother's attempts at breakdancing in the 80's were so awkward, it's a miracle he didn't break anything."

9. "The 80's were a wild time for my brother - he thought he was a mix of Indiana Jones and a member of Wham! Let's just say reality was a bit different."

10. "Looking back at the 80's with my brother, I realize that the real treasure was the embarrassing memories we made together."

Above is Humerous sayings about brothersthe 80's.

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