Humorous easter sayings

1. "Why did the Easter egg hide? Because it was a little chicken!"

2. "I'm so egg-cited for Easter, I can hardly contain myself!"

3. "Hoppy Easter! Don't worry, be hoppy!"

4. "Easter: the only time it's okay to put all your eggs in one basket."

5. "I'm on an Easter egg hunt... for chocolate and wine!"

6. "Easter: the one day it's socially acceptable to put all your eggs in one basket."

7. "Why did the Easter bunny cross the road? To prove he wasn't chicken!"

8. "Easter is the only time of year when it's perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket."

9. "I'm so egg-cited for Easter, I can hardly contain myself!"

10. "Easter: the one day it's socially acceptable to put all your eggs in one basket."

Above is Humorous easter sayings.

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Old sayings

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Easter sayings for children& 39

1. Hoppy Easter!2. Egg-cited for Easter!3. Egg-stra special Easter wishes!4. Chick it out, it's Easter!5. Hare's to a wonderful Easter!6. Don't worry, be hoppy this Easter!7. Easter blessings to you and your family!8. Egg-ceptional Easter fun ahead!9. Let's get egg-cited for Easter

Romantic sayings in arabic

1. حبي لك كبير كالسماء وعميق كالبحر2. أنت نجمي الساطع في سماء حياتي3. قلبي ينبض بحبك كل لحظة4. أنت الوردة التي تزين حديقة حياتي5. لا يكتمل يومي إلا برؤيتك6. أنت الشمس التي تنير طريقي في الحياة7. حبك يملأ كل زاوية في قلبي8. أنت القمر الذي يضيء ليالي حبي9. أنت النسيم العليل الذي يلطف حياتي10. بجانبك أ

Sayings about your kids

1. Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life. - Sophocles2. A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities of virtue and vice, but as yet unstained. - Phineas Parkhurst Quimby3. To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives