Humorous genealogy sayings

1. "I put the 'fun' in dysfunctional family tree."

2. "I'm not just a genealogist, I'm a professional ancestor stalker."

3. "I'm so good at genealogy, I can trace my family tree all the way back to when we were just a bunch of amoebas."

4. "I come from a long line of people who never threw anything away...including grudges."

5. "I'm not saying my family is old, but our family crest is a dinosaur."

6. "Genealogy: where you find out your ancestors were either royalty or horse thieves, sometimes both."

7. "I'm just here to find out if my family tree has any nuts hanging from it."

8. "I'm not obsessed with genealogy, I just have a healthy curiosity about my ancestors' questionable life choices."

9. "I'm like a detective, but instead of solving crimes, I'm solving the mystery of why my great-great-grandfather had 12 wives."

10. "In my family, we don't just have skeletons in the closet, we have a whole cemetery."

Above is Humorous genealogy sayings.

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