Hungarian sayings

1. "Az élet szép, mint a virágok." (Life is beautiful, like flowers.)

2. "Aki korán kel, aranyat lel." (The early bird catches the worm.)

3. "Aki másnak vermet ás, maga esik bele." (He who digs a pit for others will fall into it himself.)

4. "A jó szó, mint a méz, mindig édes." (Kind words, like honey, are always sweet.)

5. "Az igazság mindig győzedelmeskedik." (Truth always prevails.)

6. "Aki sokat beszél, keveset tesz." (He who talks a lot, does little.)

7. "Aki keres, talál." (He who seeks, finds.)

8. "Az idő pénz." (Time is money.)

9. "Aki fél, az meghal kétszer." (He who fears, dies twice.)

10. "Aki másnak fújja a tüzet, maga ég meg." (He who fans the flames for others, will burn himself.)

Above is Hungarian sayings.

Cute cuddle sayings

1. You're my favorite place to cuddle.2. I love being wrapped up in your arms.3. Cuddling with you is my happy place.4. You're my cuddle buddy for life.5. Let's snuggle up and never let go.6. In your arms is where I belong.7. Cuddling with you is like a warm hug for my soul.8. I could

Sayings green with envy

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Life funny sayings

1. Life is like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs.2. Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.3. Life is too short to be serious all the time. So, if you can't laugh at yourself, call me, I'll laugh at you.4. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

Unique sayings

1. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.2. Don't cry over spilled milk.3. A penny for your thoughts.4. Actions speak louder than words.5. The early bird catches the worm.6. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.7. A stitch in time saves nine.8. You can't judge a book by its cover

Thanksgiving church sign sayings

1. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!2. Grateful hearts gather here for Thanksgiving.3. Blessed and thankful in all things.4. Thanksgiving is more than a day, it's a way of life.5. Count your blessings, not your calories this Thanksgiving.6. Gratitude turns what we have into enough.

Ace in the hole related sayings

1. Keep an ace up your sleeve.2. Play your ace in the hole.3. Hold onto your ace in the hole.4. Don't reveal your ace in the hole too soon.5. Save your ace in the hole for when you really need it.6. Having an ace in the hole gives you an advantage.7. Always have a backup plan, your ace

Dothraki language sayings

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Oyster sayings quotes

1. The world is your oyster.2. The world is full of oysters, but you have to open them yourself.3. The pearl is the oyster's autobiography.4. A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear that results from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being

Chinease sayings

1. 千里之行,始于足下 (qiān lǐ zhī xíng, shǐ yú zú xià) - A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.2. 水滴石穿 (shuǐ dī shí chuān) - Dripping water can penetrate a stone.3. 知己知彼,百战不殆 (zhī jǐ zhī bǐ, bǎi zhàn bù dài) - Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated in

African wise sayings and meanings

1. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - This saying emphasizes the importance of collaboration and teamwork in achieving long-term success. It highlights the idea that working together with others can lead to greater accomplishments than trying to do everything a