Hurt feelings quotes sayings

1. "Words can sting like a bee, leaving behind wounds that are not easily healed."

2. "A broken heart may heal with time, but the scars of hurtful words can last a lifetime."

3. "Be careful with your words, for once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten."

4. "The pain of a wounded heart is often invisible, but its effects can be devastating."

5. "Kindness costs nothing, but the impact of hurtful words can be immeasurable."

6. "In the end, it's not the words of our enemies that hurt the most, but the silence of our friends."

7. "Hurt feelings are like cracks in a mirror, they can never be fully repaired."

8. "The wounds of the heart may not bleed, but they can be just as painful as physical injuries."

9. "The tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart."

10. "Sometimes the deepest wounds are the ones that can't be seen."

Above is Hurt feelings quotes sayings.

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